Monday, September 11, 2017

Raining Missionary Work

On Friday a member said that she had something very special for us and if we didn't come that night than it will spoil. The only problem was that it was pouring rain. So I put on my crocs grabbed my umbrella and we set off. We walked through the pouring rain and had to cross a river to get to her house. We got a free meal at the Bishop's house and a ride back to our apartment.We went all the way to the members home for plaintain chips and some yogurt.

Hello Family and Friends,

This week I am emailing very early. As I am writing this all of you will probably still be asleep. We wanted to email early this week so we could have time to go to the Kumasi Mall. The mall and KFC are the closest things to back home. At the mall they have a store called Shoprite which is exactly like Walmart except smaller. It even has the same slogan "Always low prices, everyday" in the same font and everything. Ghana continues to be sweet! It continues to rain much longer than expected. Usually by this time of year it is the dry season and the dust starts to roll in. But it has rained for the past three days straight and the weather has been really cold. Despite the rain, we continue to proselyte every day. We had another over 50 hour week. Hard work pays off. We are having a lot of success. We are having baptisms and meeting a lot of new people everyday that are interested in the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Rain Rain and more Rain

Tuesday- We had district council. The district continues to do have much success. The zone leaders told us that as a zone we have the highest numbers in the whole mission. (even though numbers don't matter) It shows that this is the Lord's work. And when we try our hardest and continue to work hard even when it seems like it is in vain, it will lead to success and we will find people that are interested. At district council I also gave my first ever instruction. I talked about the Book of Mormon and how we can better use it as missionaries to help our investigators. It is through the Book of Mormon that our investigators can truly be converted to the gospel. Because when we develop a testimony in the Book of Mormon we know that the prophet Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christ's true Church restored again to the Earth and that Jesus Christ lives and is the Savior of the world. It went very well and everyone enjoyed it. Giving insturction was the reward for having the District Leader as a companion. He didn't feel like doing it so he pawned it off onto me. He continues to tell me that he is training me to become an assistant one day. Haha

Thursday- We met with one of our progressing investigators named Godfred in Tanoso (one of our farthest areas). We had a great lesson about the law of Tithing, Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity. He understood everything very clearly. He has come to church twice and his baptism date was planned for the last Saturday of this month. But, at the end of the lesson he told us that he has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying and knows that it is true and wants to be baptized as soon as possible. My companion and I were in shock. Because the first time we extended a baptismal date he was a little hesitant and said I will be baptized only if I know it is true. Every time we met with him afterwards he said that he has not received an answer yet. But, then he had a change of heart. I can testify that the Holy Ghost can change people hearts. And if we ask God in prayer He will answer us. It might not be right away or the way we are expecting but it will come. God knows us and knows the best time and way for us to receive our answer. But it will always come. 

Godfred's Baptism (Elder Mubenga, Bishop Owusu, Godfred, Me, Sandra)

Saturday- We headed to the chapel at 7 am for chapel cleaning. After chapel cleaning the ward had a fitness activity where we did exercises and then played board games. After the activity we prepared for Brother Godfred's baptism. It was a very awesome baptism. There were a lot of members present.

This week has gone by very fast. There is only two more weeks in the Transfer and then I will be done with training and onto my third transfer. This week we have Zone Conference on Wednesday that I will update you on next Monday. Hope all of you have a great week! And GO DBACKS!!!

Elder Ordyna

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