Monday, December 31, 2018

Twas the Day Before 2019 - Dec. 26-31, 2018

Dec. 26-31, 2018

The Powerful Kwamo Zone Leaders (Elder Kamara and Elder Ordyna)

Happy New Year to all!!

It was so great to talk to you at Christmas. I love all of you so much! There was a lot of problems with the connection and internet out here but at last, we were able to make it work and had a great time. I am so grateful for all of the support and love that you have all sent me the past year and a half. 2019 is upon us and it is time for new year resolutions. One that I have made for myself for the rest of my mission is to give my all for the next six months and do all that I can to have the spirit with me so I can be an effective teacher and instrument in the Lord's hand to bring many people to the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We have basically baptized everyone in our teaching pool so this past week we did a huge focus on finding. Finding out here in Ghana always leads to the craziest conversations with the craziest people. We met a pastor that founded the Resurrection Blood and Living Bread Church. My companion and I taught him for like five minutes and instantly afterward he said that he wants us to come and preach at his church. He said that we were professionals and would pay us thousands of cedis and give us a car if we joined. Don't worry of course we said no and then bore our testimonies to him. He was touched by what we said and told us that he would come by and pay us a visit and even accepted a Book of Mormon. We had another lady call us over and started talking to us about how we worship devils in the church and we light candles to call saints and all of this other stuff. Once again we bore simple and powerful testimony of what we believe to be true and she was instantly touched by we what we were saying. Finally, we went to visit one of our members and his neighbor was sitting outside talking with him. We began talking with her and asking questions about which church she goes to and what she knows about the Bible and other things. We started talking about Watch Nights. Every church in Ghana on the night of the 31st holds a watch night ceremony where church members come to dance, sing and hear words from their pastors. It is basically a straight party waiting for the new year to come. We asked her where Watch Night was found in the Bible. She said that she knew it was there but didn't know which quotation it was and said that she would ask her pastor and then get back to us (nowhere in the Bible does it talk about Watch Nights). We then talked to her about praying to God directly whenever we have a question and about some other things. Once again we bore simple but powerful testimony about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Restored Gospel. She was touched and even said that she will come and visit us this Sunday at church and even committed to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it.

The experiences that we had this week reminded me of the story in the Book of Mormon where Alma steps down from being the chief judge so he can focus on the work and help the people to come back to the true ways of the gospel. And the way he did that was through bearing pure testimony to them. 

Alma 4:19-"And this he did that he himself might go forth among his people, or among the people of Nephi, that he might preach the word of God unto them, to stir them up in remembrance of their duty, and that he might pull down, by the word of God, all the pride and craftiness and all the contentions which were among his people, seeing no way that he might reclaim them save it were in bearing down in pure testimony against them."

We didn't use flattery language, money or any other worldly thing to "convince" those people to read the Book of Mormon or to come to church. We just bore simple but powerful testimony and then the spirit was able to touch their hearts and help them to know for themselves what we were saying is true. Many people in Ghana are looking for the truth. They know what is happening in churches out here is corrupted and false but they have no idea where to go to find the truth or even if there is a truer and more correct way. But, the Lord was able to guide me and my companion to these people that were ready to receive us and the truth of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

It was a wonderful week of finding people through the spirit. We were definitely directed and guided by the Lord to many people this week. The Lord also multiplied our own efforts by blessing us with many new people at church as well as five new referrals from the members. As we have faith and rely on the Lord blessings will come!

Sadly, I won't be here to see what happens to all of these people that we have found this week because I will be going on transfer this Thursday. The suspense is killing me because these days they don't tell us where we are going or who our new companion will be until we get to Bantama (the transfer spot). I do know that I will still be a zone leader and am looking forward to helping another zone and strengthening another area. It certainly will be another great 6 weeks! 

Love you all and I wish you the best possible start to 2019!!

Elder Ordyna

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