Monday, October 15, 2018

The Transfer of Strife is Behind Us

Elder Smith and I with soon to be RC Solomon

Elder Smith's Farewell Party

Kwamo Zone Conference

The Area Whiteboard

Hello all,

I had another great week out here in Kwamo. It was pretty stressful with transfers but I was able to manage it all. I said goodbye to my previous companion Elder Smith on Monday as he headed to the mission home for his farewell devotional. I was a lone zone leader for the next two days and was in charge of all of the transfer travel plans for my zone. Luckily it wasn't super complicated this time around. I spent all of Tuesday with the Effiduasi elders who just got whitewashed (both of them are leaving and two new missionaries are coming). Man, we seriously worked hard that day. In the morning things weren't really going well for us but by the end of the day, we taught three new people who are really serious and even came to church this last week. One was a referral from a member named Atobrah and the other two are preparing for baptism this upcoming week. They have been coming to church for almost like six months now but the missionaries have never taught them. Their names are Brother Asare and Sister Ama. Both are old but are very serious about the church and the gospel and preparing very well for their baptisms. 

Wednesday was the big transfer day. It started a little rocky. Every transfer the Kwamo zone leaders charter a tro for transfers because the areas are so spread out but when we came to call the driver we realized that the number must have gotten deleted from our phone. So, we had to go out and find the driver. Elder Smith said that he remembered the house where he stayed. So, after a little bit of asking people and wandering around, we finally located the house, or at least the house we thought it was. It wasn't until Wednesday morning when the tro came to pick us up that I realized it wasn't the same guy at all. He had a super nice tro and everything went perfectly well until I told him that we were going all the way out to Effiduasi and then he wanted more money or he wouldn't take us. I negotiated with him and in the end, everything worked out which was absolutely amazing. My companion is named Elder Kamara and he is from Liberia. He is my second companion to be my TC (a missionary I came on mission with). So, we are really enjoying each other and having a great time serving together. 

The Kwamiduasi Elders (the Effiduasi elders and me)

The last couple of days of the week we seriously made some goals to work hard and find some people and the work seriously paid off. We received a bunch of referrals from the members that came to church yesterday and we also followed up on a young girl named Cynthia who has been coming to church now for a couple of weeks. When we went to teach Cynthia we found her less-active aunt who was baptized in Tema but just recently moved to Kwamo. We were so shocked to find out that she was a member and will now seriously work on them.

Last week as well as this week we are focusing on preparing people for baptism. Yesterday we had 12 investigators at sacrament meeting and we are preparing half of them for baptism in the next two weeks. So, we are very busy teaching and making sure everything is in order for their baptisms. Things are looking very good this transfer so far. The Meek Kwamo Zone is still very meek. The zone is looking to have over 20 baptisms this month which is amazing. Every area in the zone is super ripe right now and seriously harvesting. Missionary work sure is sweet! The gospel is truly the source of happiness and joy! I love this gospel so much and I love being able to share it with others every single day! 

Brother Atobrah, Brother Jeff Kwaku, Elder Kamara and I eating boiled yam with coutombre stew.

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