Monday, February 11, 2019

More Travel and FM's - Feb. 5-11, 2019

Feb. 5-11, 2019

The Powerful Nkawkaw District before transfers

Hey All!

Another great week has come and gone. Things have been a little busy and hectic over here on my side but as usual, everything has also been amazing.

The zone kept us busy as usual this past week with business, but it was the best business possible! 2 Baptismal Interviews for our district leader in Mpraeso. We sacrificed a lot to go up there twice, but it always makes me so happy to see the other missionaries in my zone having success! And of course, going out to Asakraka and Tafo (two villages in their area where the baptismal interviews took place) never disappoints. There is always crazy stuff going on out there. Let me just say that Tafo is the juju capital of Eastern Region. 

On Wednesday we embarked on our long journey to Kumasi for Mission Leadership Council. The trip usually takes three hours but this one took FIVE hours. In order to get to Kumasi, we have to take a sprinter (basically a big 22 seater van) where they pack everyone in. You have to make sure that you are in a comfortable position before the journey begins because once everyone is inside you basically can't move even an inch. "LUCKY" for me I got pinned in between two huge old ladies and one even slept on my shoulder. We stopped at basically every single station and village in between Nkawkaw and Kumasi to let people out and in. Plus, we got into a really, really old car that didn't have enough speed to even pass a super slow lumber truck. So, for most of the journey, we were just chilling behind super slow trucks going super slow as well. The plus side of all of this was that I was able to stop in Kwamo (one of my previous areas) to get a haircut and see some members. It was amazing to see the Promised Land of Kwamo once again and my beloved members and recent converts there!! 
FM at Sister Jennifer's house

 FM with the district at the Relief Society President's house in branch 1
 Thursday, I sat in the mission home all day during MLC. It gave me a lot of encouragement and spirit to go out and help my zone members this upcoming transfer. It was a really inspiring meeting. It is always a blessing to receive counsel and advice from President Webster! On a great note, the Sweet Konongo Zone is once again the highest baptizing zone in the mission which is pretty awesome! We left the mission home at 7 pm to head back to Nkawkaw. We didn't get back home until after 10 pm and then we also had to carry boxes of pamphlets and Books of Mormon to the apartment. I am always relieved when MLC is finished. Got another month till the next one.

Branch 2 Missionaries with the Branch president Adwoeni and Young Men's President Abdulahi
FM at Brother Abdulahi's house

The last couple of days of the week were spent saying good-bye to members and investigators and chopping great food from them. We received word last Saturday that I am the only one staying here in Nkawkaw Branch 2. All of the other three elders will be going on transfer. Plus, there is a shortage of missionaries in the mission right now so they decided to shut down the other elders' area out here. Which means that my companion and I will be the only missionaries in the entire branch which will be great and should really help us with the work. I will receive my new companion on Wednesday at transfers.

This next transfer should be another great one of doing the Lord's work! I hope that we will be able to have more success than we did last transfer and that the zone will be able to continue to work hard! We have been really trying to coordinate efforts with the District President as well as the members to really get the work moving. We have come up with some great ideas and programs to help unify members and missionaries in the work. We are planning to have a District-wide Missionary Fireside to get members pumped up for missionary work as well as a program where we will meet with members Monday nights for FHE and teach them from the Preach My Gospel how to teach their friends and neighbors the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am excited to see the results!


Elder Ordyna

P.S- My 20th-month mark is on Friday. See you all in four months!!!

 Fufu and groundnut soup (the favorite dish in Ghana) 

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